Managing Your Care

Care Management

Our Care Management department is staffed by doctors, nurses and pharmacists. We're here to help you make the best possible decisions about your healthcare.

Our goal is to offer clinical programs and services that provide you with health guidance and access to high quality care.

  • We help coordinate your healthcare.
  • You get support from a registered nurse.

How Do I Know If I Would Benefit from Care Management Services?

The best way to help our nurses know if you will benefit from our care management services is to take a Personal Health Assessment (PHA). This tool will review your current and past health issues and habits to determine your overall state of health.

What Can I Do to Manage My Health?

We provide you information, tools and other resources to support you in making informed healthcare decisions and in managing a number of health conditions.

How Can I Contact a Nurse?

If you wish to ask about our programs, please call the Case and Disease Management Unit at 800-317-2299.

Am I Eligible for $0 Drug Copays?

Find out if you are eligible to get certain drugs that treat chronic conditions for $0 by calling 1-800-317-2299.

Case Management

Our Case Management program provides help when you or a family member have a complex medical condition, or a catastrophic illness or accident. Our nurses have experience with: 

  • Cancer treatment
  • Transplants
  • High-risk pregnancy
  • Children with special needs
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Other conditions

What Can the Program Do for You?

  • Help you coordinate your healthcare services and serve as an advocate for your healthcare needs.

  • Provide you with educational materials and information about community-based resources.

  • Promote a healthy lifestyle. We will help you set positive healthcare goals and coach you to reach them.

Ready to Get Started?
Call one of our health coaches.
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.


Disease Management

Our Disease Management program helps you if you have a chronic conditions, such as heart disease or a heart condition, high blood pressure or hypertension, or diabetes. We work with providers to improve your health and your ability to live successfully with your condition.

Program Overview

Key components of the program include:

  • We determine what your physical, psychological, economic and environmental needs are;

  • We promote proactive health programs that help you better understand your awareness of the health risks that come with certain personal behaviors and lifestyles;

  • We set health management goals and help you learn more about topics such as primary prevention and changing behaviors. We also try to help you and your primary care doctor get on the same page.

  • We help you try to manage your own health by making better decisions with your health and lifestyle behaviors.

Ready to Get Started?
Call or email for more information
or to refer a member.


Wellness Reminders

All members who are not part of the Federal Employee Program (FEP) are eligible to receive periodic reminders about important health screenings.

These reminders will be sent automatically when you reach a certain age (depending on gender and risk level) if you have not received specific preventive services.

The chart below shows who may be contacted and why.

Service Needed Who Receives Reminders? Why?
Childhood Immunizations Children 1, 2, 12 and 13 years old in the month of their birthdays To keep children up to date on immunizations based on CDC recommendation
Diabetic Screenings Any member 18-75 years old who has been identified as diabetic based on claims data To ensure diabetic members receive ADA screenings each year
Service Needed Who Receives Reminders? Why?
Mammograms Women ages 40-69 without a claim for a mammogram in either the current or previous year Increase awareness of risk of breast cancer
Pap Smears Women ages 21-64 without a claim for a pap smear in either the current or previous year Increase awareness of risk of cervical cancer
Colorectal Screenings Members ages 50-80 without a claim for certain colorectal screening tests within specific time periods Increase awareness of risk of colorectal cancer

Behavioral Health

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana has partnered with Lucet to help connect our members to behavioral healthcare when they need it. As our member, your health insurance plan may include behavioral health benefits. These include mental health services, substance use disorder treatment and more.
Lucet logo

What You Can Expect

Lucet works with your doctor to help you reach your goals and get the most out of your benefits. It does not replace a doctor’s care, so it’s important that you follow up with your doctor as needed.

Lucet can help you:

  • Coordinate with doctors and treatment facilities for your unique needs
  • Connect with other people and groups in your community who can help
  • Learn about depression, anxiety, substance use disorder, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder and other conditions that may affect you
  • Find coaching and support services through Care Management programs
  • Find resources for crisis intervention

Help is just a phone call away. Lucet is ready to take your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us toll free at 1-800-991-5638 to be connected to Lucet. Licensed clinicians are available, when appropriate.

To know what behavioral healthcare is covered under your plan, check your plan information or call us at the number on your ID card.

We focus on finding you the right care at the right time.

Our goal is to help you lead a healthier life today and in the future.

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