Signature Blue (2025)

Signature Blue* is a select network, patient-centered plan. This means healthcare providers work as a team led by a primary care provider.

2025 Signature Blue map
  • Greater New Orleans
    Jefferson, Orleans and St. Bernard (NEW) parishes
  • Hammond/Northshore
    St. Tammany and Tangipahoa (NEW) parishes

Signature Blue HMO/POS



Signature Blue


Here are some plan features and benefits:

  • Signature Blue members have access to Louisiana Children’s Medical Center Health (LCMC Health) and other participating providers. Search the provider directory for the most up-to-date list of participating providers.

  • Plan is available in Jefferson, Orleans, St. Bernard, St. Tammany, and Tangipahoa parishes. While the Signature Blue product is offered only in the New Orleans market and Hammond/Northshore areas, Signature Blue members may also access Signature Blue network providers located in other parishes.

  • You get a team of healthcare doctors, nurses and hospitals who work together to help you get the right care in the right place.

  • Staying in-network is very important! As long as you get care within your Signature Blue network, you will always pay less than if you get care outside of the network. You must pick a primary care provider in the Signature Blue network.

*Our series of point-of-service (POS) plans and HMO plans are offered by HMO Louisiana, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana.

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