Blue 365's Dental Solutions

OGB members get 20-50% discounts to a network of dentists for just $6 a month. There is no waiting and no red tape to join. You will need to register for Blue365 if you have not already.

Find a Doctor

Search our provider directory to find a doctor in your network. And if you choose a Quality Blue Primary Care Doctor, you get lower or free copays and cost sharing for that visit, depending on your plan benefits.

Pelican HSA 775

Live Better Louisiana

Save money on your health insurance premium through Live Better Louisiana, an OGB program that gives Louisiana Blue plan members resources to help you better monitor your health, understand your risk factors and make educated choices that keep you healthier.

To participate in the Live Better Louisiana program and get a Catapult check-up, you must be the primary member on an OGB Louisiana Blue plan at the time of the check-up. In order to receive the credit, you must be enrolled in an OGB Louisiana Blue plan as the primary member the year following the LBL plan year.

Visit the Catapult scheduler at or call (877) 841-3058 to schedule your appointment. If you cannot make a clinic, you can see your PCP instead. Download the Catapult Health Primary Care Provider form under Customer Forms at There is also a form if you are pregnant or have another medical exception.

What's the game plan?

Live Better Louisiana FAQs

Check mark

Care Management Programs

What can the Louisiana Blue health coaches do for you? You can be Stronger Than any diagnosis or health condition. Find your strength with support from our team of nurses, dietitians and social workers.

What is Care Management?
Real healthcare providers -- doctors, nurses, social workers, dietitians and pharmacists – make up our Care Management department. We're here to help you make the best possible decisions about your healthcare.

Our goal is to offer programs and services that guide you to better health and access to high quality care.

We help coordinate your healthcare.

You get support from a registered nurse. You may pay less for medications you take to treat diabetes, coronary artery disease, heart failure, asthma and COPD.

Watch the video to learn about the benefits of working with a personal health coach.

Who can participate?
  • OGB members enrolled in one of the Louisiana Blue plans
  • Medicare is not your primary health coverage
  • You've been diagnosed with one or more of these health conditions:
    • Diabetes
    • Coronary artery disease
    • Coronary Heart Failure (CHF)
    • Heart disease
    • Asthma
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Blue Cross and Blue Shield logo

Ready to Get Started?

Call one of our Health Services Specialists

Monday — Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Case Management

Our Case Management program provides help when you or a family member have a complex medical condition, or a catastrophic illness or accident.

Our nurses have experience with:

  • Cancer treatment
  • Transplants
  • High-risk pregnancy
  • Children with special needs
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Other conditions
What can the program do for you?
  • Help you coordinate your healthcare services and serve as an advocate for your healthcare needs
  • Provide you with educational materials and information about community-based resources
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle. We will help you set positive healthcare goals and coach you to reach them
Blue Cross and Blue Shield logo

Ready to Get Started?

To see if you are eligible and get started, call one of our health coaches.

Monday — Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Wealth of Healthful Resources

Live Better Louisiana gives you access to a wide range of healthful activities—some of which may even be suggested in your personal action plan. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana also brings OGB plan members a number of wellness-related Discounts and Deals.

Diabetes Prevention Program: OGB members and other adults 18 years of age and older on their plans who are diagnosed with prediabetes or at high risk for type 2 diabetes may be eligible for Omada, a 16-week diabetes prevention program from Louisiana Blue and Omada Health. The Omada program is designed to help individuals, including those with prediabetes, lose weight and make healthier choices. Combining a professional health coach with an understanding and supportive small group, a flexible online format and a growing pool of healthy resources, Omada is a profound, lifestyle-changing experience.

Primary Care Referral: Studies show that building a long-term relationship with a single doctor can improve your health. Your primary care physician (PCP) is your healthcare team quarterback, coordinating your care and helping ensure you don't get unnecessary tests or treatments. OGB members who don't already have a PCP will get help choosing one from the appropriate Louisiana Blue network.

Diabetes Care: OGB members diagnosed with diabetes may be eligible for a glucometer and test strips from CVS Caremark at no out-of-pocket cost to help manage their diabetes. You don’t have to enroll in any additional programs, but you must be participating in the Care Management Diabetes program to qualify for test strips. Follow these instructions to claim your no out-of-pocket glucometer and test strips.


(800) 392-4089

(225) 298-7772

P.O. Box 98027
Baton Rouge, LA 70898

P.O. Box 98027
Baton Rouge, LA 70898

If you and your provider disagrees with a clinical decision, you have the right to appeal.

P.O. Box 98027
Baton Rouge, LA 70898

With our secure online customer inquiry form, you can submit your questions to Customer Service securely and conveniently.

Send a Secure Message

Contact Us

Louisiana Blue Customer Service Hours  

Louisiana Blue Cross Office Hours

8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Louisiana Blue Cross Customer Service Call Hours

8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday

We serve every community in the state through our Baton Rouge headquarters and regional offices in Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans and Shreveport.


2025 Company Holidays

New Year's Day
Wednesday, Jan. 1

Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, Jan. 20

Good Friday
Friday, April 18

Memorial Day
Monday, May 26

Independence Day
Friday, July 4

Labor Day
Monday, Sept. 1

Thursday, Nov. 27
Friday, Nov. 28

Christmas Eve and Christmas
Wednesday, Dec. 24
Thursday, Dec. 25


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318-442-8107 (Individual)
318-448-1660 (Group)

4508 Coliseum Blvd., Suite A
Alexandria, LA 71303

Baton Rouge

225-295-2527 (Individual)
225-295-2556 (Group)

5525 Reitz Ave.
Baton Rouge, LA 70809


985-853-5965 (Individual)
985-223-3499 (Group)

1437 St. Charles St., Suite 135
Houma, LA 70360


337-231-0005 (Individual)
337-232-7527 (Group)

5501 Johnston St.
Lafayette, LA 70503

Lake Charles

337-480-5315 (Individual)
337-562-0595 (Group)

219 W. Prien Lake Road
Lake Charles, LA 70601



122 Saint John St.
Monroe, LA 71201

New Orleans

504-832-5800 (Individual)
504-832-5800 (Group)

3235 N. Causeway Blvd.
Metairie, LA 70002

New Orleans Tower


1340 Poydras St., Suite 100
New Orleans, LA 70112


318-795-4911 (Individual)
318-795-0573 (Group)

411 Ashley Ridge Blvd.
Shreveport, LA 71106

Gym Discounts

Find a participating gym near you starting at just $19 per month and a one-time enrollment fee.

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