Getting to know Precision Blue (2025)

Ready to explore the benefits of a Precision Blue select network plan? As with any insurance plan, a few smart choices can help you avoid big, unexpected medical bills.

Precision Blue plan = Precision Blue HMO/POS network

ID card


- Your name will appear here.



- Used to identify you so your provider knows how to bill your health plan.



- This is where you will find Plan Description and ID Numbers relating to your Pharmacy Coverage.



- What type of network your plan has and which providers you can see who are "in-network."


Where Am I Covered?

If you are a resident of one of the parishes listed below, you are covered when you visit Precision Blue doctors, clinics and hospitals. 

Visit to find a doctor in your network.

Map of Precision Blue


Greater Baton Rouge:
Ascension, East Baton Rouge, Livingston, Pointe Coupee and West Baton Rouge

Greater Monroe/West Monroe:
Caldwell, Morehouse, Ouachita, Richland and Union



Essential Health Benefits

Your plan covers a variety of benefits to keep you healthy. They include:

Doctor icon

Ambulatory (outpatient) service

Ambulance icon

Emergency care services

H with circle icon

Hospital benefits

Ultrasound icon

Maternity and newborn care

Pill bottle icon

Pharmacy and prescription drugs

Pill icon

Contraceptive coverage

Clipboard icon

Coverage for clinical trials

Bandage icon

Rehabilitative and habilitative services

Telescope icon

Laboratory services

Heart rate icon

Preventative and wellness services and chronic disease management

Eye chart icon

Vision and dental benefits for your children

Icon of brain

Mental health and substance use disorder services

Certain limitations and exclusions apply to Essential Health Benefits

Schedule of Benefits

Your Schedule of Benefits (SOB) includes information about what services are covered, what's not covered and how much it will cost.
Example of Schedule of Benefits document


providers have agreed to accept a contracted (discounted) rate for your care. You'll save money by visiting a doctor or hospital in your network.


providers can charge more, which means you'll pay more when you visit an out-of-network doctor or hospital.


Shows a breakdown of what you can expect to pay for specific services if you choose to visit a doctor that is in your network versus one that is outside your network.

Prescription Drug Coverage

You can manage your prescription drug coverage by logging in at and choosing "Pharmacy" on the dark blue bar near the top of the page. Once you log in, you can:

See your drug claims

See your drug claims

Price a drug

Price a drug

See more about drug benefits

See more about drug benefits

Book icon

Learn about your medicine

Find a pharmacy

Find a pharmacy

File a drug claim

File a drug claim

You can also view covered drug lists, search for drugs and find out how to save on drugs at


Stay in Your Network

Precision Blue members have access to Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System (FMOLHS) and other participating providers. While the Precision Blue product is offered only in the Greater Baton Rouge and Greater Monroe/West Monroe areas, Precision Blue members may also access Precision Blue network providers located in other parishes. When you choose care within the plan’s network, your costs are lower than if you select out-of-network care. Precision Blue offers two tiers of in-network benefits:

  • Enhanced Tier 1 – Enhanced Tier 1 includes FMOLHS primary care providers (PCPs) and Specialists.
  • Tier 1 – Tier 1 includes FMOLHS facilities, as well as in-network participating PCPs and Specialists that are not in Enhanced Tier 1.

Be proactive about staying in your network by visiting to find a doctor or hospital in your network.

Precision Blue plan = Precision Blue HMO/POS network

Pick a Primary Care Provider

You must pick a primary care provider in the Precision Blue network to handle most of your medical needs when you are sick or injured.
General Practice, Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Geriatrics (for adults), Pediatrics (for children)
Pick a primary care provider by logging into your account or by calling Louisiana Blue Customer Service at the number on the back of your ID card.

Quality Blue

We are committed to providing you with affordable access to quality healthcare through our Quality Blue program. If your doctor takes part in this program, you are a part of it, too. You can ask your provider if they are in the Quality Blue program or look them up in our directory at Quality Blue providers have an indicator as shown below:

Quality Blue Provider

Get Care in the Right Place

Save time and money by getting the right care in the right place. Don't go to the emergency room for a cold.

Primary Care


BlueCare Telehealth


Urgent Care

satchel with three dollar signs


Emergency Room

ambulance icon with three dollar signs


Shop and Save on Healthcare Procedures

Visit our website to compare the costs of common medical procedures and save with our cost estimator tools.

Example of Health Care Cost Comparison


Your Online Account

Activate your Louisiana Blue online account quickly and easily. Once you're registered, you can manage your account, choose to go paperless, review your benefits, see your claims status, view your digital ID card, and more - 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Image of laptop

BlueCare Telehealth: Get Care from Anywhere!

Medical and behavioral health visits available.

Have a BlueCare online medical visit 24/7 or behavioral health visit by appointment using a computer, smartphone, tablet or any device with internet and a camera. The cost of your BlueCare visit will depend on your plan type and benefits. Providers are U.S. trained and board certified. BlueCare providers are available in all 50 states. BlueCare meets state and federal healthcare services laws, is HIPAA-compliant and is as valid as an in-person visit.

BlueCare is


for medical visits
BlueCare is


than going to urgent care
BlueCare costs


than the ER

BlueCare logo
Visit or download the BlueCare (one word) mobile app on your Apple or Android device.
Louisiana BlueCareDownload on the Apple StoreGet it on Google Play  

Explanation of Benefits

After each visit to a doctor or hospital, we will send you an Explanation of Benefits (EOB). It is a summary of the charges for the care or services you received. It shows what we cover and what the provider charged or what the service cost. It is not a bill. You may choose to go paperless and get your EOBs online by logging in at and choosing "Account Preferences."
Image of example Explanation of Benefits


What the doctor, clinic or hospital charged for care.


This is your discount on care costs or what your plan paid for care.


This is what you must pay for care before your health coverage begins to pay for the parts of your care that are not covered by your plan.


This is the part of your claims you may have to pay out of pocket.

What Should You Do After Enrollment?

Congratulations! You've got health insurance. But now what do you do? Don't worry, we've got answers!

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