- Your name will appear here.
- Used to identify you so your provider knows how to bill your health plan.
- This is where you will find Plan Description and ID Numbers relating to your Pharmacy Coverage.
- What type of network your plan has and which providers you can see who are "in-network."
Health Savings Account
To maximize your BlueSaver high-deductible health plan, be sure to open a Health Savings Account (HSA) to set aside money to pay for qualified health expenses. We recommend a MySmart$aver HSA from HealthEquity, Inc*., an independent company that administers HSAs to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana members enrolled in BlueSaver.
Your HSA rolls over from year to year so any money you don't use can be used the next year. Use your HSA to pay for doctor visits, prescription drugs and certain health-related items. Learn more about qualified medical expenses in this HealthEquity database.
*HealthEquity, Inc. is an IRS authorized non-bank custodian of HSAs, and the preferred HSA custodian for eligible Blue Cross members enrolled in our high deductible health plans. Members who qualify may open an HSA with any HSA trustee or custodian. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana and HealthEquity are not engaged in rendering tax, legal or investment advice. These materials, and any tax-related statements in them, are not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used or relied on, for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties. Tax-related statements, if any, may have been written in connection with the promotion or marketing of the transaction(s) or matter(s) addressed by these materials. You should seek advice based on your particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor regarding the tax consequences of specific health insurance plans or products. See IRS Publication 969 for more about HSAs.
Essential Health Benefits
Certain limitations and exclusions apply to Essential Health Benefits
Schedule of Benefits
Prescription Drug Coverage
Stay in Your Network
Control costs by staying in your network. Your plan includes both in-network and out-of-network coverage, but you will pay more when you visit an out-of-network doctor or hospital.
Be proactive about staying in your network by visiting findcare.lablue.com to find a doctor or hospital in your network.
Quality Blue
We are committed to providing you with affordable access to quality healthcare through our Quality Blue program. If your doctor takes part in this program, you are a part of it, too. You can ask your provider if they are in the Quality Blue program or look them up in our directory at lablue.com/findcare. Quality Blue providers have an indicator as shown below:
Get Care in the Right Place
Save time and money by getting the right care in the right place. Don't go to the emergency room for a cold.
Shop and Save on Healthcare Procedures
Visit our website to compare the costs of common medical procedures and save with our cost estimator tools.
Your Online Account
BlueCare Telehealth: Get Care from Anywhere!
Medical and behavioral health visits available.
Have a BlueCare online medical visit 24/7 or behavioral health visit by appointment using a computer, smartphone, tablet or any device with internet and a camera. The cost of your BlueCare visit will depend on your plan type and benefits. Providers are U.S. trained and board certified. BlueCare providers are available in all 50 states. BlueCare meets state and federal healthcare services laws, is HIPAA-compliant and is as valid as an in-person visit.
than the ER
Explanation of Benefits
What Should You Do After Enrollment?