Louisiana Blue employees review our Code of Business Conduct each year and sign an acknowledgment form to demonstrate our commitment to the highest standards of integrity.
The Code of Business Conduct:
We also ask those doing business with us to review our Code of Business Conduct to understand our requirements for compliance and ethical conduct.
Contacting the Compliance and Ethics Department
Compliance and Ethics Department
P.O. Box 84656
Baton Rouge, LA 70884-4656
(225) 295-2599
Louisiana Blue maintains a comprehensive privacy and security program to give all of our members the highest degree of confidentiality.
Our policies and procedures may sometimes seem designed to make it hard for you to review your own information. In fact, they're here to ensure that your private information doesn't reach the wrong person by mistake.
Privacy Resources
Notice of Privacy Practices Regarding Medical Information
Contact Information
Privacy Office
Phone: 225.298.1751
E-mail: Privacy.Office@lablue.com
Standard & Poor's National Rating Service
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana has 28 consecutive "A" ratings for our financial strength from noted national rating service Standard & Poor's — the world's foremost provider of benchmarks for measuring corporate financial health.
We hold the four accreditations noted below from the national healthcare standard organization, URAC, a Washington, D.C.-based healthcare accrediting organization well-known for establishing quality standards for the healthcare industry. (Excludes ITS host, OGB, City of BR, Medicare groups, VIP hospital supplement policy and cancer & serious disease policies) We also hold the SSAE16SOC1 Type II Audit Certification.
HMO, Louisiana (Health Plan with Marketplace)
Louisiana Health Service & Indemnity Company & FEP (Health Plan)
Louisiana Health Service & Indemnity Company (Marketplace)
HEDIS (Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set) is a set of standardized performance measures designed to ensure that purchasers and consumers have the information they need to reliably compare the health care quality. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana has successfully completed the NCQA-Certified HEDIS® Compliance Audit™. By undergoing this audit, we add a higher level of integrity to HEDIS data and improve quality to our members.
HEDIS (Marketplace)
HEDIS (Commercial)
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana upholds the highest standards in doing business with vendors and suppliers, producers, providers and the public. We expect our business partners to do the same.
We invite vendors with an interest in doing business with Louisiana Blue to register on our Supplier Portal hosted by Supplier IO to let us know about the goods and services you provide. We invite businesses of all types and sizes to register.
If you feel you have a good or service that would benefit our operations, we encourage you to register in our Supplier Portal using the following link https://bcbsla.supplierone.co/
Contact Information